Dr. Om Parkash Eye Institute

Bachelor of Optometry

Course Duration 4 Years

About Course

Optometry is a healthcare profession that is autonomous, educated, and regulated (licensed/registered), and optometrists are the primary healthcare practitioners of the eye and visual system who provide comprehensive eye and vision care, which includes refraction and dispensing, detection/diagnosis and management of disease in the eye, and the rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system

RIMT School of Para-Medical & allied Health Sciences in collaboration with Dr. Om Parkash Eye Institute, Amritsar has initiated Bachelor of Optometry course which deals with the examination, diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases and disorders of the visual system

This synergetic association provides integrated inputs which will help to develop a high degree of conceptual skills, analytical skills and qualitative knowledge skills among budding aspirants and prepares them for a bright future in the eye care Industry as an optometrist.

Program Overview

Dr. Om Prakash Eye Institute has introduced a 4-Year full-time program in Optometry, which deals with the examination, diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases and disorders of the visual system.

The program is envisaged to develop a multipurpose opthalmic manpower at paramedical level. The program will enable a student to became a competent person in providing service as an Optician, Optomerist, Refraction Specialist and Ophthalmic Assistant to the community. Our training methodology will provide students with integrated inputs that will help develop their conceptual & analytical skills, and a strong technical knowledge base, in order to prepare them for a bright future in the eye care sector of the Healthcare industry.

Eligibility & Admission

It is recommended that the students entering the Optometry programme should have completed the recognized secondary school studies as the qualification stipulated for B. Optometry is 10+2 with Sciences (PCM / PCB) or equivalent from a recognized board.

Registration Fee (One Time) 15,000/-INR
Semester Fee (One Time) 55,000/-INR

Learning Outcomes

Career Prospects

There is a huge demand of optometrist in the country. The profession not only gives immense opportunities of employment
but also gives student a chance of self-employment too. There are multiple options available to choose from depending upon career interests or ability to perform skills.

Course Curriculum

General Anatomy + -

General Physiology + -

Basic Biochemistry - I + -

Physical Optics + -

Geometrical Optics - I + -

Optometric Procedures - I + -

Basic Biochemistry - II + -

Ocular Anatomy + -

Ocular Physiology + -

Geometrical Optics - II + -

Nutrition + -

Clinical Optometry - I + -

Microbiology + -

Applied Optics - I + -

Visual Optics - I + -

Pathology + -

Ocular Diseases - I + -

Clinical Optometric Procedures + -

Ophthalmic Optics and Applied Optics - II + -

Visual Optics - II + -

Ocular Diseases - II + -

Basic Pharmacology + -

Optometric Instruments + -

Clinical posting + -

Contact Lens - I + -

Low Vision & Rehabilitation + -

Public Health, Community & Occupational Optometry + -

Binocular Vision - I + -

Diseases of the Eye and Clinical Medicine + -

Clinical posting - IV + -

Contact Lens - II + -

Binocular Vision - II + -

Geriatric Optometry + -

Paediatric Optometry + -

Dispensing Optometry + -

Clinical Posting + -

Clinics - Comprehensive eye exam + -

Clinics - Pediatric and binocular vision + -

Clinics - Retina, Glaucoma and Low Vision + -

Clinics - Applied optics + -

Clinics - Cornea and Contact Lenses/ Ocular Prosthesis + -

ConClinics - Comprehensive Eye Examtact Lens - II + -

BinoculClinics - Pediatric and Binocular Visionar Vision - II + -

Clinics - Retina, Glaucoma and Low Vision + -

Clinics - Applied Optics + -

Clinics – Cornea and Contact Lenses + -

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    Working hour

    Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Sat – Sun: Closed

    650 Birmingham St,
    London 3000, UK

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